01:119:116 Study Guide - Major Histocompatibility Complex, Defensin, Phagocytosis

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Granular (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils) and agranular (monocytes, lymphocytes) leucocytes. Rbcs and plasma proteins (albumins, globulins, fibrinogens - involvement in clotting; vit k and ca2+ interactions) Rbcs are regulated by erythropoetin produced by the kidney when oxygen is low boosts production of rbcs. Compare specific with non specific immune response: Invertebrates: non-specific: physical, phagocytosis, antimicrobial peptides, memory cells. Physical (skin, mucus, enzymes and acid, defensins [antimicrobials] and lysozyme) Toll-like receptors [recognize viruses eg ds rna, bacteria eg peptidoglycan in gram positive cell walls, fungi] Natural killer cells release cytokines; also released by other cells eg interferon, tumor necrosis factor, interleukins, chemokines. Complement [enhances inflammation, lyzes pathogen cell walls, coats pathogens and attracts wbc etc] Inflammatory response including vasodilation and increased blood flow, increased capillary permeability[edema, swelling, and pain], phagocytosis and secretion of. T-cells: mature in thymus gland +/- selection based on self recognition and binding foreign antigens. Stored in lymph, spleen etc as memory, cytotoxic (cd8) tc cells, and helper (cd4)