01:119:116 Study Guide - Concealed Ovulation, Pair Bond, Orgasm

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Female fidelity = low (female will screw around) Mating : the relationship is monagmous there is parental care, looking at the female: a female orgasm induces rhythmic contractions at cervix, female orgasm enhances the sperm uptake. Passionate love is an adaptation to promote pair bonding: only in the human species, the female doesn"t know when she"s ovulating, but in animals the males know when the females are ovulating. It encourages pair-bonding (if the guy knew that a female were ovulating, he probably wouldn"t stick around: humans can undergo sex all the time, animals only undergo sex at the time. Because eggs are precious and sperm is cheap. Direct benefit is not only the genes but also something else (parental care, food gift, defense, etc) and there"s indirect benefits (only genes) Why are men and women so similar in morphology? b/c of a monogamous relationship. An extreme example of sexual dimorphism: male and female seals there"s intense competition for the female.