01:119:116 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pattern Formation, Cell Migration, Starfish

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The development of form requires not only cell division and growth but also cell determination and cell differentiation, pattern formation and morphogenesis. Cell differentiation is the process by which a cell becomes specialized to carry out specific functions. Cell determination includes the molecular events leading to cell differentiation. Characterize stem cells, and explain the difference between these cells and terminally differentiated cells. Morphogenesis is the development of form and the progessive organization of tissues and organs which occurs through pattern formation. In pattern formation, cells may communicate by signaling and involve planned cell migration. During planned cell migration, cells undergo changes in shape and apoptosis (programmed cell death) Usually no genetic changes occur during cell determination and cell differentiation. Differentiated cells of an individual have the same genetic information although each cell type expresses a different subset of that information. This is called the principle of nuclear equivalence.