01:119:115- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 83 pages long!)

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Stm (working memory info not transferred) ltm (stored info in encoding until retrieval) Iv) themes in biology: emergence whole is more than just sum of parts, emergent properties result from arrangement and interactions of parts within a system, ex. Chapter 1. 3, 2. 1 -2. 4, 3. 1-3. 2: method of investigating biology. Cc chemical bonds in a biological system. Cc different properties: science latin meaning to know , natural causes for national phenomenon, observe and measure methods of systematic investigation, methods of investigating biology. Types of logic: inductive reasoning, start with large number of specific observations to generalizations, seq observation pattern data analysis generalization, ex. Comparison: o = 3. 5 (most electronegative, h = 2. 1, s = 2. 5, c = 2. 5, n = 3. 0. Ch4: polar covalent bond, e- spend more time with one end of molecule than the other end, ex. Emergent properties of water: cohesion sticks to itself, ex.