01:119:115- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 48 pages long!)

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Store carbohydrates (and other reserves) storage roots. Thin, finger-like extensions of root epidermal cells. Elongate and orient shoot to maximize photosynthesis. Elevate reproductive structures - increase pollen and seed dispersal. Each organ consists of all 3 systems. 1st line of defense against physical damage, pathogens: dermal tissue system. Epidermis : single layer of tightly packed cells. Cuticle : waxy coating that helps prevent water loss. Wood plants - periderm (bark) replaces epidermis. Absorption of water, minerals at root hairs. Reduce water loss, reflect sunlight, defend against insects. Guard cells : specialized cells in shoots, gas exchange: ground tissue system. Includes cells specialized for storage, photosynthesis, support, and short distance transport: vascular tissue system. Xylem : conducts h20, dissolved minerals upward from roots. Phloem : transport sugars from where made (mostly leaves) to where needed (usually roots and sites of growth) Start in the soil, water moves from soil into the root hairs, and then eventually into the xylem.