01:512:104 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Agricultural Adjustment Act, Tennessee Valley Authority

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The mid-term will be in three parts on two different days. You will have identification questions on thursday, march 2nd. The essay questions (for which you will get a separate sheet to help you prepare) will be on thursday, march 9th (your last class before spring break). Identification: you will be given our choice of six words from the list below and asked to identify three of them. A good identification will locate the person or event in time and geographical space, provide a concise definition, and explain the person or events historical significance. Typically this will take a page to a page and a half of a blue book. All the words below come from the lectures (l) or the textbook (chapter number). You can write a good answer by studying your lecture notes and the text but you can, if you wish, use online sources (such as wikipedia) to prepare.