33:011:100- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 94 pages long!)

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Chapter 14- the role of accountants and accounting information. Information technology: various appliances and devices for creating, storing, exchanging, and using information in diverse modes, including visual images, voice, multimedia, and business data. Electronic commerce: use of the internet and other electronic means for retailing and business- to- business transactions. Creating portable offices: providing remote access to instant information: saves time and business expenses. Allows for a decentralization between the workplaces and headquarters. Enabling better service by coordinating remote deliveries: many businesses, for example, coordinate activities from one centralized location, but their deliveries flow from several remote locations, often at lower cost. Ex: when you order furniture, individual pieces may come from different (cid:449)a(cid:396)ehouses, (cid:271)ut the(cid:455)"(cid:396)e all p(cid:396)o(cid:272)essed to go to o(cid:374)e lo(cid:272)atio(cid:374). Creating leaner, more efficient organizations: networks enable firms to maintain information linkages among both employees and customers, more work and customer satisfaction can be accomplished with fewer people.