SCI 161 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dietary Fiber, Refined Grains, Blood Sugar

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16 May 2019

Document Summary

Plants convert the sun"s energy into glucose by photosynthesis. Sucrose (table sugar) = glucose + fructose. Long chains and branches of sugars linked together. Functional fiber: added to food for beneficial effect. Soluble fiber: dissolves in water and is fermented by intestinal bacteria. Examples: pectin in fruits and vegetables, beta-glucan in oats and barley, gums in legumes, psyllium. Moves more rapidly through gi tract, laxative effect. Examples: bran of whole grains, seeds, fruits, vegetables. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in animals. When blood glucose begins to drop, pancreas releases the hormone glucagon to raise blood glucose levels. Directs release of glucose from stored glycogen in liver = glycogenolysis. Signals liver to start gluconeogenesis = making glucose from non-carbohydrate sources, mostly protein. Without glucose, fat can"t be broken down completely and acidic ketone bodies are produced. Ketosis: elevated ketone levels after fasting about two days.