PO 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Quraysh, Islamic Golden Age, Nevi'Im

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The evolution of homicide: private wrongdoing phase a. i. Killing was seen as only affecting the parties involved a. ii. It was resolved with either an act of revenge or a blood price. a. iii. There were no police, no jails-what do we do, and where do we put these people: a coercive summons phase b. i. The killer (and victim"s family/tribe) were mandatory to appear before a group of mediators. b. ii. This was around the time homer was composing his poems: public wrongdoing phase c. i. There would be a third-party prosecution: completely public investigation and arbitration d. i. A government prosecutor takes the case to trial. d. iv. The victim"s family has very little role in this. Intellectual upheaval in classical athens: athens, greece, 5th century bc, the sophists b. i. A group of quasi-skeptics about the gods and about morality b. ii. Man is the measure of all things (morality is arbitrary, it is up to the gods). b. iii.