PT 518 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Semicircular Canals, Vestibular Nuclei, Vestibular System

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Vestibular problems that impact function: dizziness, vertigo (sense of spinning i am spinning , visual fatigue or blurring works with cn iii, iv, and. Anatomy of peripheral sensory apparatus: external anatomy, external canal, tympanic membrane, middle ear where bones of hearing are, oval window separates middle & inner ear, inner ear, all except external canal are located within temporal bone. Central processing : primary processor (vestibular nuclear complex) (peripheral, adaptive processor. Motor output: eye movements, position changes (especially the head) (cerebellum) Vestibulocochlear nerve (cn viii: ssa special somatic afferent (hearing and balance, carries sensory data from both vestibular and auditory system (cochlea, contains 2 divisions, superior utricle, horizontal and anterior semicircular canals (vestibular) Destination of vestibular data vestibular nuclear complex, Cn viii: no primary vestibular afferents cross midline. Afferent input - vestibular nuclear complex: superior and medial input from semicircular canals (angular velocity, lateral input from other vestibular nuclei and utricle/saccule (gravity and linear movement)