PT 503L Study Guide - Final Guide: Palpation, Supraspinatus Muscle, Pisiform Bone

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Steps: demonstrate motion to patient, take patient through passive range, palpate prime mover for active range (on skin) **if completed, at least grade 3*: make sure lower extremity is supported and stabilize and apply resistance, if needed, move to gravity minimized position and test, support limb and palpate. Scapula mmt only whole numbers (no +) Muscle belly of upper trap and levator scap. Seated on table - feet on stool or floor n/a. Prone - head neutral or turned away from test side. Serratus anterior medial border, thumb on lateral border. Seated on table; arm in about 130 degrees of flexion and protracted. Seated on table; arm in about 90 degrees of flexion; arm supported. Stabilize trunk just below the scapula on the same side. Middle fibers of trapezius, rhomboid major and minor. Lower fibers of traps, middle fibers of traps. Prone, need 145 degrees of abd (thumb up) Same as before except weight of the arm is supported by.