NUR 324- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 115 pages long!)

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6 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Diabetes: continuous glucose monitoring system, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, insulin pump, dka, fpg, gestational diabetes, hgb a1c, glycemic index, hyperglycemia, hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome, hypoglycemia. Insulin: ketone, medical nutrition therapy, nephropathy, neuropathy, prediabetes, retinopathy, self-monitoring of blood glucose, sulfonylureas, thiazolidi(cid:374)edio(cid:374)e"s. Definition: dysfunction of insulin resulting in an increase in blood glucose. Insulin: glucose, glucagon and glycogen: when you eat, insulin secretion increased and moves glucose from blood into muscle live and fat (cid:894)glycoge(cid:374)(cid:895) as you do(cid:374)"t (cid:374)eed it all right away, glucagon (secreted by alpha cells) Released in response to decreased blood glucose, stimulating liver to release stored glucose. Insulin and glucagon maintain constant levels of glucose by releasing more glucose from the liver when you need it, breaking down glycogen (gycogenolysis) Inhibits the breakdown of stored glucose, protein and fats. If blood sugar is higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as diabetes: type 1.