BMS 301 Quiz: Exam 1 Study Guide

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Increase in heart rate: cardiac cycle is longer, diastole is effected more, less time to fill the heart, be familiar with graph. Heart has highest o2 consumption per tissue mass represents 5% of cardiac output. Arterial oxygen extraction is 70-80% compared to 25% for the rest of the body (avo2 difference) Contractile cells: cardiac myocytes have essentially identical myofibril arrangement but with rows of mitochondria aligned between myofibrils, mitochondria makes up 40% of the volume of a cardiac myocyte, role of intercalating disks, made up of: Pacemaker rates of different pacemakers: sa node- primary pacemaker, 100bpm, av node- ectopic pacemaker, 40-60bpm. If sa node was damaged, av node could set hr but would be much slower because only ventricular contraction would occur: purkinje fibers- ectopic pacemaker, 30-40bpm. Waves and intervals and what they represent. Do not need to memorize values: see notes sheet for: Depolarization vs repolarization: typical lead ii ecg.