[AN 101] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (120 pages long)

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To provide ethnographic breadth, and to introduce cultures and societies of the world that may not have been at knowledge before hand. Franz boas: founder of american anthropology, grew up in german (jewish) in the 1860"s b. i. Totality: study humans in time through space d. ii. Holistic: biological, cultural, linguistics, and archaeology (the 4 major sub sections of anthropology) d. iii. Biological: (bio archaeologist) cultural, biology, archaeology (prehistoric) d. iv. Holism: why we have these four fields of anthropology; d. iv. 1. What does it mean to be human? d. iv. 1. a. Malinowski; did his studies in the trobiand islands in new guinea: known as the father of ethnography/ethnographic a. i. Outsiders coming into a set of new rules for other wasps: rules: b. i. Do not write down just what the natives you study say they do, but what they actually do. b. i. 2. Keep a journal for your thoughts and feelings. We are human, we have biases naturally. b. i. 2. a.