PSY 12000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Classical Conditioning, Habituation, Psy

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Psy 120 exam notes (ch. 7 p1) completed study guide. Chapter 7 p1: what is the definition of learning? (lecture/book). Be able to identify from examples what is learning and what is not learning. Be able to identify examples of classical conditioning: be able to describe pavlov"s dog studies. Understand how they are an example of classical conditioning. (lecture/book): giving signals before feeding and etc to allow the dog to notice a pattern and predict when it is time to eat or etc. In classical conditioning, know the shorthand for us, ur, cs, and cr and be able to identify the various stimuli in an example i. e. unconditioned stimulus = us, Unconditioned response = ur, conditioned stimulus=cs, conditioned response=cr, etc. (lecture/book) a. i. Unconditioned stimulus (us): stimulus that can elicit an unlearned response (an instinctual stimulus) a. ii. Unconditioned response (ur): an unlearned reaction to the unconditioned stimulus (an instinctual or inborn reaction)