MCMP 42200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cervical Cancer, Mhc Class Ii, Reassortment

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P rim a ry re s p o n s e. S e c o n d a ry re s p o n s e. Small number of pathogen-specific cells respond at the start. Non-isotope-switched antibody having a mixture of affinities for the pathogen is produced at the start. Antibodies are isotype-switched and have high affinity for the pathogen. Delay before effector t cells are generated and are able to enter infected tissues. Effector t cells are present and can enter infected tissues immediately. Innate immunity works alone until adaptive response is generated: memory t cells are not random - they are looking for something. Which one provides the best long-term protection against re-infection: in protective immunity, antibodies made during the primary response bind and neutralize the pathogen before it has a chance to infect and spread - increased levels of antibodies (igg,