MA 16500 Final: Fall 2001, Final

12 views8 pages
31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Instructions: there are 8 di erent test pages (including this cover page). Make sure you have a complete test: fill in the above items in print. I. d. # is your 9 digit id (probably your social security number). Also write your name at the top of pages 2 8: do any necessary work for each problem on the space provided or on the back of the pages of this test booklet. Circle your answers in this test booklet: no books, notes or calculators may be used on this exam, each problem is worth 8 points. Lling in the circle of the letter of your response. Double check that you have lled in the circles you intended. If more than one circle is lled in for any question, your response will be considered incorrect: after you have nished the exam, hand in your answer sheet and your test booklet to your recitation instructor.