COM 10200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: George Herbert Mead, Oberlin College, Social Desirability Bias

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Be familiar with the contrast between objective and interpretive theory (chapter 3) Objective theory: prediction of future events, explanation of data, relative simplicity, hypotheses that can be tested, practical utility quantitative research, quantitative research. Interpretive theory: clarification of values, new understanding of people, aesthetic appeal, community of agreement, reform of society, qualitative research, understand key points associated with sample surveys and experiments as presented in lecture. Sample survey: gathering data that describes and potentially establishes relationships between variables, random selection of participants from larger population, appropriate question design, guarding against social desirability, being careful about assuming that correlated variables are casually related. Experiments: test the possibility that one variable is casually related to another, random assignment to experimental conditions, establish overall experimental validity, statistical. Internal: external, construct, understand differences in types of questions that the objective vs. interpretive approach can handle most easily.