ANSC 22100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pancreatic Juice, Antoine Lavoisier, Stomach

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Foods available to ancient ancestors: nuts, berries, vegetables and small game with the advent of hunting. 1st recorded nutritional experiment: daniel from the bible. Since everyone eats the same food, there must be one nutrient present in all foods that is responsible for sustained life. Lind was responsible for the health of the limeys (the british navy) because of his experiment of giving fresh fruit to sailors with scurvy. The british were called the limeys due to them eating limes to get vitamin c to protect against scurvy. Lind did not fully understand his experiment or his results. Digestion: is all of the chemical and physical changes that food undergoes to be absorbed: absorption takes place as nutrients enter the body from the digestive tract. Lips (used for prehension, most important in horse, least in chicken) Teeth (mastication- number of jaw movements is significant, affects rumen fermentation.