PHYS 0110- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 37 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Scientific method: observation/exp (controlled setting, make model (simplified mental image) and create theory, predictions, predictions tested against reality (new round of obs, model, predict loop) **experiments are the ultimate test of validity of any theory (needed when obj is not directly observable, or problem is complex) Model: simplified mental image of an object or process (atom, earthquake) Law: mathematical expression of a pattern in nature that is supported by evidence. Theory: consistent explanation of a collection of natural phenomena expressed in terms. And repeated observation (need to repeat obs to make sure it is a pattern) of one or more laws. Constant: value that never changes (pi, e) Constant set for a problem, but if you change the problem, then it becomes a different value (density. For one problem it is constant but when you change the problem then the constant density becomes different)