NROSCI 0081 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Camellia Sinensis, Gaba Receptor Antagonist, Adenosine Receptor

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24 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Increases da neurotransmission: strong positive reinforce, sympathomimetic effects ( activity of sympathetic nervous system, hyperthermia ( body temp, pupil dilation, tolerance: da receptors, withdrawal (not severe, cravings, anxiety, agitation. Inability to feel pleasure: pharmacotherapy, treat depression with anti-depressants, cocaine vaccine antibodies attach to cocaine & cannot cross bbb. Amphetamines: meth, ritali(cid:374), mdma/e(cid:272)stasy/(cid:373)olly, (cid:862)(cid:271)ath salts(cid:863, derived from khat plant & ma huang plant (ephedrine, similar properties to epinephrine, pharmacokinetics, oral, iv, inhalation only for meth, fast absorption & slow metabolism by liver, pharmacodynamics. Inability to feel pleasure (anhedonia: addiction therapy, detox, pharmacotherapy to treat depression, psychotherapy to combat addiction, bath salts, chemical derivative of amphetamine or cathinone, more extreme side effects than other amphetamine (e. g. violent behavior) Overdose: lethal dose: 5-10g, heart failure (death) is rare due to consumption needed, medicinal use, cerebral vasoconstriction = relief of headache. Nicotine: 2nd most widely used psychoactive drug, main psychoactive ingredient in tobacco, highly addictive & no medical purpose, pharmacokinetics.