JS 1260 Study Guide - Final Guide: Takers, Madison Grant, Pew Research Center

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27 Jul 2015

Document Summary

Americans were unjustly accused- social justice. Jewish federation: community- ncjw, repair the world. American jewish committee: formed in 1906 by german jews to protest anti- . Advantages- they had groups like the german jews help- irene kaufmann settlement in. Background- risk takers, hollywood, push cart workers turned into bloomingdales. Skill- ability to move their merchandise around, drive to do something different. New york: lower east side, yeshiva. Pittsburgh: stogie business because they couldn"t get the merchandise over the mountains and there was no water way. * they got out in one generation where as italians did not. Reading 1: the passing of the great race: madison grant, man who reflects time. Jews are trying to take over the word: protocol of the elders of zion. Reading 2: new data on american jews: highlights of reports from the pew research. Center and the cohen center at brandies university- the jewish federations of north.