[CHEM 0110] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 46 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Section 1 modern chemistry: a brief glimpse. Modern chemistry: the materials around us are composed of exceedingly small particles called atoms, and the precise arrangement of these atoms into molecules or more complicated structures accounts for the many different characteristics of materials. Synthesize molecules: build large molecules from small ones. Dna: consists of two intertwined molecular chains; each chain consists of links of four different types of molecular pieces, or bases. Experiment: an observation of natural phenomena carried out in a controlled manner so that the results can be duplicated and rational conclusions made. Law: a concise statement or mathematical equation about a fundamental relationship or. Mass and energy are equivalent; thus when energy is lost as heat, mass is also lost. F between objects whose masses are m1 and m2 is gm1m2/r2, where g is the gravitational constant and r is the distance between the centers of mass of the two objects regularity of nature.