VB SC 050S Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Anthelmintic, Xenobiotic, Lactation

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Major classes of nutrients: energy, protein, minerals, vitamins, all involved in maintaining body structure and function, balance of major nutrient classes important for efficient digestion, absorption and utilization. Energy: required for all body processes, growth, work, lactation. Protein: cellular structure, cellular function (enzymes, antibody production, lactation. Minerals and vitamins: cellular structure and membrane stability, acid-base balance, metabolic functions, co-factors in metabolic rxns, portions of essential enzymes in host defense mechanisms. Relationships of organisms: symbiosis, both organisms benefit from relationship, commensalism, eating at a common table , parasitism, one organism is living at expense of another, is parasitism always harmful to the host, no! The host is not always necessarily harmed (fetus in mother) Parasites may damage host by: competition for nutrients, toxin production, tissue migration damage, feed on blood, parasite may be a transport host for infectious organisms like viruses or bacteria. Zoonoses: some species of animal parasites can be transmitted to humans and produce human disease.