[THEA 100] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (85 pages long!)

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Strike of february 1934 it was actually more inspired by than based on: incorporated audience, included them, and made them a character in the play. The working-class or less-affluent audience members are no longer relegated to the balconies and standing room they"re included in the main section of the theatre. Sweet smell of success (screenplay 1957) adapted into musical in 2002 (recycling/adapting) Themes: class conflict, union power, taking a stand for the good of the community, corruption of big business. Wrote midsummer night"s dream c. 1595/96 as possible celebration of an aristocratic wedding inspiration is really unknown. Hermia is being forced by her father, a nobleman, to marry demetrius under penalty of death! (which is reduced to a lifetime of forced chastity by the king) But hermia is in love with lysander, so they escape to the forest to elope.