SOC 001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Auguste Comte, Manifest And Latent Functions And Dysfunctions, Symbolic Interactionism

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17 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Scientific study of human behavior, social relationships, social institutions, and. Applies scientific method to studying human behavior. Questioning the obvious (thinking outside the box) Factors that lead to the rise in america: Society can be studied using the same methods as natural science. Law of human progress- society has gone through 3 stages: theological, metaphysical, scientific. Human society evolved according to natural laws with increased. No interference with the rest of society (take care of self) complexity. Capitalism dominate factor in shaping society (struggle = social change) Individuals more products than creators of society (you are a product of what you"ve grown up in) Society external to individual (effect of environment on person) Goal of verstehen (think about what others are thinking) Sociologists need to study social actions and subjective meanings of people. Investigator examines new program, group, etc. (easy bias) Wouldn"t only report what, but why it did so. Measures how well program/project works in relation to its goals.