PSYCH 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Holding Hands, Nocturnal Enuresis, South African Class 19C 4-8-2

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25 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Reminder: make sure to look at your lecture notes as well as your textbook to help understand these objectives/terms. Be able to recognize examples: qualitative, quantitative, qualitative, difficult to quantify, difficult to anticipate, ex. Changing from nonverbal to verbal communication: quantitative, number or amount, what have been the contributions of tiedemann, darwin, and hall to this field, ex. Height, weight, size of vocabulary: tiedemann (1787, observed sensory, motor, language, and a cognitive behavior, pre-linguistic knowledge, erroneously thought sucking was learned, not reflexive, darwin (1877, developmental similarities = common ancestors, dogs were like children. Increases control levels and evokes negative reactions in others: primarily deals with personality and social relationships, example, anxiety about friendships at school can cause bed-wetting. Leads to worry at sleepovers: normative vs. non-normative, normative. Influences that affect many or most people: an event or influence that is experienced similarly by most people, example, most kids hit puberty between 10-14 years, non-normative.