PSYCH 100 Midterm: Psych Exam 1 Study Guide

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Document Summary

Definition and common misconceptions of psychology: psychology: the science of behavior and mental processes, common misconceptions of psychology include: Psychology is the same as being/related to being a psychic. Psychology is the same thing as psychiatry. Psychology is well captured in media and therefore, students do not need to be educated in the subject. History of the field: precursors to the field (philosophers) (b. c. -1700"s) Mind-body distinction (e. g. , buddha, socrates, plato, aristotle) Origin of knowledge (e. g. , descartes, bacon, locke: early doers (late 1800"s-1920) Structures of the mind" (e. g. , wundt titchener) Reaction timefirst, simple experiments: later innovators (1960"s-present) Applied research: basic research the goal is to increase knowledge, applied research goal is to solve problems. Studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders. Helps people cope with academic, vocational, and martial challenges. Studies and helps individuals in school and educational settings. Industrial/organizational studies and consults on issues related to human behavior in the workplace. Biological/neuroscience explore the links between the brain and.