[PL SC 014] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (43 pages long!)

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Sovereignty: state decides what happens within its own borders. Countries have to answer to the vatican. Ussr wants friendly neighbors, us wants rollback or containment. Nato and non-communist / warsaw pact states. West germany and east germany (berlin wall) French indochina -> vietnam (north v. south) Ussr and us support different sides of smaller wars. Thought to be too tough, not well received in us. Us is better off after the war. Many soviet civilians did not survive to see the end of the war. Stalin orders troops to feed the survivors. Soldiers instead raided homes and raped women. Allies want germany to compensate them for the war. Factory machinery and scientists/researches taken to soviet union. Parts of poland annexed by russia, poland given part of germany. Soviet union dominates surrounding states to the west. United states received reports of soviet soldier behavior. Soviet communists wanted to slowly, gradually, influence surrounding countries politically. Poland agrees to ally with soviet union.