MGMT 301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Electronic Body Music, Total Quality Management, Uptodate

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11 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Ability to work well in cooperation with other persons; emotional intelligence the ability to manage ourselves and relationships effectively self awareness understanding moods/emotions self regulation thinking before acting; controlling disruptive impulses motivation working hard and persevering empathy understanding the emotions of others social skills gaining rapport and building good relationship. Good things grow from strong foundations advocate social responsibility, respect for workers, and better cooperation throughout organizations danger of too much hierarchy collective responsibility, problems have relationships with other problems, focus of profit and public good known as employee ownership, systems, and managerial ethics/corporate responsibility today idea that executive must be an inspiring leader and ethical role model every manager, regardless of level, needs to be an ethical role model people must be active doers to be successful. Organizational network of subsystems purchasing and inventory systems marketing, sales, and distribution system operations service management systems accounting and financial systems information and technology systems inputs.