[HD FS 250] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 50 pages long Study Guide!

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Public identities: how you identify yourselves. Gender identity: transgender, cisgender (contrast to transgender) Heterosexism: assumption that heterosexuals are normal: bias/devaluing of non-heterosexuals. Heteronormativity: normality is heterosexual/way it should be because if it isn"t, it is problematic. Queer: don"t feel any categories make sense, refuse being labeled. Two spirit: certain people have male and female characteristics. Transsexual (gender-affirming) hormonal treatments: operation (surgery) Pansexual: love someone for who they are without the gender mattering. Polyamorous: in a relationship, but can be in relationships with others, many loves, pan = open. Plastic : is responsive to social and cultural influences. Past experiences have huge weight on interactions (with society) Social constructionism focus on society, culture, history. Biology is not the essence of sexuality. Cohort historical time: the time you live is very important. Men: 37% some same-sex experience to orgasm between adolescence and old age, 25% more than incidental experience for at least 3 years, 4% exclusively same-sex in adulthood.