HD FS 229 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Baby Sign Language, Deeper Understanding, Object Permanence

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Light through the sara apparatus in the 3rd trimester. Index and pointer finger together, emerges at 9-12 months. How many milestones do you need in your toy project for: Child directed learning- don"t push a child to learn until they are ready: how does piaget define schemas ? psychological structures to organize thought and make sense of experience, summarize the concept of the constructivist approach. Children learn by engaging with their learning by experimenting and exploring, active learning. 4)when children are in a state of confusion, they are in ______________. 5)when children create new schemas, they are engaging in. An organized way of making sense of an experience. A toy is put under object a and then moved to object b while the child is watching. Infants can understand basic physics: describe the broccoli experiment. Babies are not completely egocentric and can take the perspective of another person opposed to piaget"s theory.