GEOG 128 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Operation Serval, Food Security, Thx

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31 May 2018
GEOG 128 // Exam 2
Can anyone upload notes of class Oct. 25th & 27th?
11 oct 2016
1. violence → violence is productive + persists even after violent events end. violence is a
cycle, and how the nation state is viewed makes certain types of violence more likely
a. produces and is perpetuated by multiple types of effects, incl:
i. political effects
ii. economic effects
iii. social effects
2. peace → not necessarily absence of war
a. negative definition→ what is absent and creates peace
b. positive definition → what is present and creates peace
13 oct 2016
1. introduction to the nation state → anderson: “the nation is an imagined political
community because members will never know each other.”
a. the nation state is defined by:
i. race
ii. gender
iii. class
iv. religion
b. ideology → set of understandings that help you make sense of a complex world
c. the identity of a nation state is constructed in relation to other nations
i. nested identities also exist within nations
18 Oct 2016 → i missed this day and someone asked for these notes sooo
20 oct 2016 → africa video (maybe the essay? since the essay was on the video last time)
1. sahel (south of sahara + north of savannah) is big in war/terror
2. war over resources (coltan, coal, oil, salt, ivory, gold)
a. colonization by france, gb, spain, and germany tore apart the Mali empire (rich in
salt, ivory, gold) l
b. sahara also has large supplies of uranium
3. france kicked out of algeria, moves to congo. guinean oil attracts the United States + is a
site of soviet/us proxy wars
4. “9/11 reconfigured the geopolitics of the world” → movement of weapons, drugs, people,
5. United States militarism was not only about security, also about resources
a. United States establishes the Africa Command under Bush → “finding terrorists
and doing humanitarian work”
b. other goals: secure resources, counter china
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c. africom instigates war in libya through nato, shows that the United States has
control over nato
d. United States trained soldiers in mali → islamic state established, frances
liberates mali, corrupt leader escapes (operation serval)
i. un + africom + china engage in peacekeeping efforts in mali
ii. post-colonial mali → france never leaves, still has military, political, and
economic presence due to the oil in mali. french govt + aid groups, ngo’s,
and french corporations have big influence on mali
6. as UNITED STATES presence grows, china moves in as Africa’s biggest trading partner
a. “no interest” loans to african countries (really gifts)
7. **the class after the video, we talked abt it and dr inwood hinted at needing to be able to
define postcolonialism + connect to the themes of the class on the exam
COLONIALISM (10/18 notes)
· Policy or practice of acquiring political control over another country, occupying it with settlers
and exploiting it economically
· Establishment of domination of a geographically extended political unit most often inhabited
by people of a different race and culture where this domination is political and economic and
the colony exists subordinated to and dependent on the mother country –Blauer
o Concept of a nation pops up with colonialism
§ An identity that is bounded
§ All connected: colonialism, national identity and nation
o Establishment of boundaries, identities (blah blah blah) ← i can relate
o Industrialization funded by colonized resources (empire)
· Colonialism is often defined as a system of government used to defend another system of
commodity exchange
o What?
§ Slave change- taking capital (slaves) keeping profit
· Idea of periphery (developing country) and metropole (developed)
· Traditional forms of colonialism are different from “settler colonialism”
o Settler colonialism involves the permanent occupation of land by settlers
o Settlers occupy land and need to make land productive
§ Material Reproduction
Said Orientalism
· A professor at a party can’t hang with kids and think theyre wild
· The sprofessor think he knows what’s and he’s superior to the ragers
· Same as EAST v. WEST, west thought east was weird
o East needs to be civilized like west
· Stereotyping
· ORIENTALISM- patronizing western attitude towards the east culture
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