GEOG 030 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Coldwater Fish, Thomas Robert Malthus, Species Complex

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Most pressing environmental issues: climate change, ippc- establish what we know about climate change, water crisis, energy demand, biodiversity. Un general assembly took up climate change. Unfccc adopted in new york and opened for signature in rio. Start of conference of the parties (annual cop) Fourth (receivced nobel prize for peace: countries that should reduce: Japan: low income/under-developed countries are exempt from being required to reduce their emissions, objective of the unfccc. Ultimate objective: stabilize atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases at safe levels. Levels were not quantified then: all countries: general commitment. Annex i parties = industrialized countries (oecd + economies in transition : have to reduce, main polluters (cid:0) more responsibility. Annex ii parties = all remaining countries (most developing countries: kyoto protocol. Adopted at cop (conference of the parties) Developing countries are free riders (china, japan) In 1981, monsanto (producing herbicides in farming) own biotech division.