CHEM 110H Study Guide - Final Guide: Bond Length, Boiling Point, Viscosity

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Increase in energy causes an ____ in velocity. Increase in velocity causes an ___ in collisions: increase in collisions causes an __ in pressure, ____ is the process in which a gas escapes through a hole, ___ work best at low pressures and high temp. , Assume no molecular volume: ___ molecules have finite size and occupy. Lead to the appearance of fewer moles, at very. Causes repulsion and leads to the appearance of. More moles: pressure values are adjusted to account for the. Attractive forces using the constant __, which is. Unique for each gas: volume is adjusted to account for the finite volume, 273 k, 1 atm, 22. 4 l increase increase increase increase. Greenhouse effects: _____ are the biggest source of methane on earth, if >> ke, if = ke, if << ke, systems conserve ____ (amount of ___ lost by the. System is equal to the amount of ____ gained by the.