BIOL 129 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tunica Intima, Swallowing, Zygomatic Arch

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31 May 2018
BIOL 129 // EXAM 2
1. muscle shapes
a. dennate → feather shaped
b. convergent → fibers converge at the bottom
c. circular → duh
d. parallel → fibers arranged side by side
e. fusiform → spindle shaped
2. terminology
a. fascicles → make up a muscle
b. fascicles → group of muscle fibers
c. myofibrils → make up muscle fiber. thick + thin protein filaments
d. sarcomere → contractile unit of muscle cell
3. skeletal muscle
a. connective tissues
i. superficial fascia → hypodermis
ii. deep fascia → tough, between muscles
iii. epimysium → covers an entire muscle
iv. perimysium → connects neighboring fascicles, contains blood vessels
and nerves
v. endomysium → surrounds muscle fibers, very vascular
b. attachments
i. indirect attachment → collagen fibers of epimysium + deep fascia
continue as a strong, fibrous tendon that merges into the periosteum of
nearby bone.
1. ex. calves, biceps
ii. direct attachment → collagen of epimysium is continuous with the
1. ex. intercostal muscles
iii. aponeurosis → muscle inserts into broad sheet of connective tissue
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1. ex. abdominal aponeuroses, palmaris longus
c. neuromuscular junction → skeletal muscle innervated by motor neurons. small
motor units produce fine motor skills, large ones produce force. 1 motor
neuron/multiple muscle fibers, each muscle fiber/1 motor neuron
d. functional groups → skeletal muscle only pull, never act alone
i. agonist → primary mover, generates the most force
1. in elbow flexion → brachialis
ii. synergist → aids the agonist, stabilizes
1. in elbow flexion → biceps brachii
iii. antagonist → opposes the primary mover, relaxes to allow the agonist to
act unhindered
1. in elbow flexion → triceps brachii
iv. antagonistic pairs → brachialis + triceps brachii. roles depend on action
e. muscle fiber histology → skeletal muscle cells are long, cylindrical, and
multinucleate. during embryonic development, myoblasts fuse, but some remain
as satellite cells → repair function
i. inside the muscle cell
1. sarcolemma → muscle cell membrane
2. sarcoplasm → cytoplasm of muscle cells
3. myofibrils → protein bundles, contain 3 types of myofilaments.
together they form the sarcomere → contractile unit of muscle
a. thick → myosin protein
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b. thin → actin protein
c. elastic → titin, functions as a molecular spring
d. filaments and the sarcomere → thick and thin filaments
overlap each other in a pattern that creates striations (light
bands, dark a
i. i bands → thin filaments
ii. a bands → thick filaments
iii. z discs → mark boundaries between adjacent
sarcomeres + connect them **accessory proteins
exist here for stabilization**
iv. m line → midsection of each sarcomere
**accessory proteins exist here for stabilization**
v. h band → lighter region of m line, thick filaments
4. glycogen → energy carbohydrate
5. myoglobin → o2 binding + storing protein, makes muscles red
6. sarcoplasmic reticulum → system of tubular sacs, stores and
releases calcium (release of ca+2 triggers contraction)
7. transverse tubules → invaginations of sarcolemma into the center
of the cell, filled with extracellular fluid. t. tubules signal the SR to
release calcium and help carry signals from neurons to myofibrils
f. digestive system → tube that extends from mouth to anus, space inside the tube
is called the lumen
i. gi tract includes:
1. oral cavity → also called the buccal cavity, functions include:
ingestion, cooling/warming of food, sensory analysis, mastication,
partial digestion of carbohydrates and lipids (lingual lipase +
salivary amylase), lubrication, and deglutition (swallowing)
a. includes cheeks, lips, tongue, palate, teeth, and associated
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Document Summary

Biol 129 // exam 2: muscle shapes, dennate feather shaped, convergent fibers converge at the bottom, circular duh, parallel fibers arranged side by side e. fusiform spindle shaped. 1 motor neuron/multiple muscle fibers, each muscle fiber/1 motor neuron d. functional groups skeletal muscle only pull, never act alone i. ii. iii. agonist primary mover, generates the most force. 1. in elbow flexion brachialis synergist aids the agonist, stabilizes in elbow flexion biceps brachii. 1. antagonist opposes the primary mover, relaxes to allow the agonist to act unhindered. 4. immune cells absorption nutrients are absorbed by the villi and center the bloodstream via the hepatic portal system ii. iii. iv. 2. transverse: descending, sigmoid iii. iv. rectum holds feces until the urge to defecate. rectal valves allow for passage of gas while retaining feces anal canal controlled by two sphincters. **caudate and quadrate are both under the right lobe. falciform ligament separates the left and right lobes ii.