BB H 311 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Limbic System, Adrenal Cortex, Sympathetic Nervous System

93 views8 pages
29 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Paradigm: models, approaches that we use to address different problems in life. Important in helping us ask questions and answer them. Framework of collection of ideas, science moves forward by re-creating paradigms. Building blocks of a new paradigm: new scientific field of inquiry (ex: zika virus- no current paradigm). Starts off with observations from around the world from different scientists. Each scientist comes up with own hypotheses about what is going on and end up with competing paradigms. (ex- some say has to cross placenta, etc. ). Eventually one paradigm will prevail and be the dominant paradigm (doesn"t mean others are wrong). Paradigm crisis occurs because not all paradigms fit the dominant paradigm (can tell a crisis is occurring when discussion sections getting longer and longer because your results don"t fit). Then paradigm shift (change thinking about the world). Causes of paradigm shifts: serendipity (finding something you weren"t looking for), tools (technology-ex: first autopsy, extension of our senses- mri, etc. )