PSY 381 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, Acute Stress Reaction, Dissociative Disorder

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Or: compulsions: repetitive behaviors or thoughts that a person feels compelled to perform to prevent distress or a dreaded event or in response to an obsession, tends to begin before ten, or late adolescence. Ptsd 216: the person was exposed to death or threatened death, serious injury or sexual violation. Did (233: disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states (alters) or an experience of possession as evidence by discontinuous in sense of self, cognition, behavior, affect, perceptions, and or memories. May be reported by others: at least two other alters take control, inability to recall important information by one of the alters, not due to medication, drugs cultural, or religious practice. Complex somatic symptom 240: at least one somatic symptom distressing to daily life, excessive thoughts. Sad mood or loss of pleasure in usual activities. Bipolar disorder (139: distinctly elevated or irritable mood for most of the day nearly every day, abnormally increased activity and energy.