POLS 1113 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jim Crow Laws, Voting Rights Act Of 1965, Free Exercise Clause

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Scott, a slave, was brought to a free state by his owners. Scott sued for his freedom, because he was in a state where slavery was outlawed. Supreme court decided that a slave has no rights as a citizen. Separate but equal. upheld state laws requiring racial segregation in the united. Plessy, a mixed man, bought a first-class whites only train ticket and boarded the train, where he refused to get up and sit in the blacks only car. Civil war amendments intended to give former slaves full freedom from segregation. State laws muddled this concept and continued to discriminate against blacks. 15th prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race. Asked black voters ridiculously hard questions in voting tests. Brown v. board: understand the details of the case and the two reasons why the case was significant. Declared state laws segregating blacks from public schools to be unconstitutional.