HHP 2654 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Glenoid Labrum, Deltoid Tuberosity, Coronoid Fossa Of The Humerus

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Serratus means (looks kinda like a knife) Paralysis prevents arm abduction over 100 degrees. Winging of the scapula unable to rotate with the arm. Holds the scapula close to the ribs. Pectoralis minor don"t worry too much about this one. Bigger in monkey hang from tree and swinging. Repetitive lifting or overhead activities are risk factors. Tennis players and pitchers are usually most at risk. Most tears in young adults are caused by a traumatic inury like a fall. Frozen shoulder articular capsul shrinks up and tightens up and does not allow free movement of the shoulder. Adhesive capsulitis connective tissue becomes inflamed causing pain and restricting motion. Usually happens over age 40 dislocated shoulder (subluxation) Subglenoid infrequent due to rotator cuff. Superior infrequent due to acromion process. Posterior infrequent due to acromion process. Anterior fall back without outstretched arm. Glenoid labrum is the cartilage lip that adds to the depth of the ball and socket joint.