HIST 1103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Montgomery Bus Boycott

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Interstate highway system the largest public-works enterprise in american history. The creation of the system was to provide rapid escape routes from cities in case of a nuclear threat, but the construction of highways was also a practical benefit for transportation. The significance of the interstate highway system is that it provided many jobs and eased travel within the united states. Montgomery bus boycott a protest that sparked from when rosa parks refused to relinquish her bus seating to a white person. The political and social campaign led to the supreme court decision that segregated buses were unconstitutional by. The iron grip of racial segregation was beginning to loosen in the united states, thanks to protests just like the montgomery bus boycott. Brown v. board of education the attack on the separate but equal stance itself. Thurgood marshall insisted that segregation was inherently unequal because it stigmatized a group of citizens as unfit to associate themselves with others.