PHIL 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: John Stuart Mill, Categorical Imperative, Personal Rule

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Ethics, virtue ethics, the theory of a cultivation of a virtuous character and the performance of actions that reflect this character are the fundamental ethical goods. Teleology: the theory that all natural things are designed so as to have specific functions of purposes. Nicomachean ethics: happiness is our ultimate end, it is desired for it"s own sake, complete: when it is fully achieved, the person lacks nothing. 2 conditions: factors under one"s control, the actions we freely chose to perform, factors outside one"s control. Whether one is honored depends upon those in power, however, as much as possible, we should make our happiness depend upon ourselves a. ii. We don"t want honors for their own sake, rather, we want honors because we view them as evidence of our virtue a. iii. Human happiness= a life of virtuous activity or living lives of distinctively human excellence.