SOCIOL 3410 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ricky Ray Rector, Violence Against Women Act, Rape Crisis Center

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60% of those attacks against gay men: wasn"t included in ucr until more recently, not all states have legislation addressing this component of hate crimes, federal laws, civil rights act of 1968. Federally protecting activities (attending school, using public facility, etc. : violent crime control and law enforcement act (1994) Increased penalty if crime motivated by race, ethnicity, national origin, or gender: matthew shepard and james byrd jr. Hate crimes prevention act (2009: adds sexual orientation, gender identity and disability, drops federally protected activity prerequisite. 2008: new federal sentencing guidelines retroactively reduce crack sentences: crack = associated with african americans. Soc 3410: cocaine = associated with wealthy white people. Less crack (28 g. ) required than cocaine (500 g. ) to receive same sentence = way to sentence african americans more than whites: mandatory minimums, by 2002 all states had adopted a mandatory minimum law.