RELSTDS 2370 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: L. Ron Hubbard, Native American Church, Ghost Dance

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For profit gym franchise founded in 2000. All facts of life are subject to debate. Originally a book by l ron hubbard. Process to clear engrams (debilitating memories) and allow the analytical mind to prevail. Done through auditing sessions with e meters to measure when you come across an engram. End goal to achieve status of clear . Supreme, pure, unlimited spiritual beings at core. Become infected by society and engrams over time. Become an operating thetan when you achieve clear. Belief that everyone is thetan at core. Hubbard no less credible than any other religious founder. What do we deem worthy of protection and accommodation by government. What and who do we deem worthy of respect. Pan indian movement spread across mexico and us in 1880s. Circle dance will hasten arrival of utopian world and restoration of indian life.