PSYCH 3331 Study Guide - Final Guide: Zona Incerta, Angiotensin, Extracellular Fluid

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General studying tips: make your own study guide, generate examples and scenarios, not just definitions, spend some time creating new ways to organize the information that works for you. Create tables or venn diagrams: for all structures, think about experiments that could affect them. What would stimulation or lesioning do: practice explaining concepts out loud. Steady internal balance or equilibrium: defend set points, ex. Smaller animals have more sa relative to volume: lose heat more easily. Preoptic area (poa) of anterior hypothalamus= warm temps. Controlled increase in core temperature set point during illness. Infection releases pro-inflammatory cytokines, these reach hypothalamus which increases pge2 production which suppress warm cells and in turn disinhibits cool cells. Set point gets raised because of this, increased temp creates a more optimal temperature for immune cells and a less optimal temp for bacteria: pyrogens reset the temperature set point. Extracellular fluid (33%)= higher na+ cl-, 1/3: blood (7%) & csf (<1%)