PSYCH 2300- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 34 pages long!)

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Theory leads researchers to pose particular research questions, which lead to an appropriate research design, in the context of the design, researchers formulate hypothesis. Researches then collect and analyze data, which feed back into the cycle. Nonsupporting data lead to revised theories or improved research design. Good theory = falsifiable, parsimony (if you have 2 equal theories, the simplest one most usually explains something), is justified by evidence. Fake peer reviews led to 64 retracted articles in 10 journals owned by springer nature. What parts of the brain are active when experienced meditators are meditating? . Translational = use general knowledge to test applications. In a lab study, can meditation lessons improve college student"s gre scores? . Applied = use applications to solve specific real-world problems. Has our school"s new meditation program helped students focus longer on their math lessons? . Recent issues of fraud in the peer-reviewed journals. Highlights issues w/ transparency in the field.