POLITSC 1200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jus Sanguinis, Classical Liberalism, Ethnic Group

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Political science 1200 online: introduction to comparative politics. The final exam will consist of 50 multiple choice and true/false questions relating to the following topics covered in our lectures this semester. Public goods (definition, and where they fit in the roles of the state): those goods or services that cannot or will not be provided via the market because their costs are too high or their benefits too diffuse. Free-rider problem: when those who benefit from resources, goods, ot services fo noy pay for them which results in an under provision of those goods or services. Social democratic: states whose social policies strongly emphasize universal entitlements to achieve greater social equality and promote equal citizenship; sweden is a prime example. Christian democratic: states whose social policies are based on the nuclear family with male breadwinner, designed primarily to achieve income stabilization to mitigate the effects of market induced income insecurity; ex: germany.