PHILOS 2120 Study Guide - Dukkha

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Problem with indulgence (giving into desires): desires lead to other desires, some desires should not be fulfilled, morality, sometimes you just can not fill a desires. Problems with deprivation: you can"t avoid all desires in your mind. Monks: do not deprive themselves, they live very regimented lives where as they do not get desires. Can never avoid pain in real life, you can only avoid the suffering. Living in the moment lets you experience the pain, but dwelling leads to suffering. Correct knowledge- understand the true nature of reality. True nature= nothing is permanent, nothing is independent of other things. Correct speech- don"t encourage trishna with your speech. Correct behavior- don"t encourage trishna with your behavior. Correct livelihood- choose jobs that don"t encourage trishna. Correct effort- make the effort to sustain your vow. Correct mindfulness- be mindful of what you do. Correct concentration- meditate to see what habits encourage trishna and figure out how to avoid them.