PHILOS 1100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: David Hume, Socratic Questioning, Polemarchus

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Justice and morality are the same for now. Allows you to take complex item and isolate a single aspect of feature of it. By having special knowledge: knowledge is either able to produce happiness or acquire happiness, cant be misused, can only be good, knowledge = virtue = happiness. His example: when republicans govern, they pass laws that favor themselves, those who are in power are the stronger. 1st practical principle: everybody does whatever they do, because it seems best to do that. What about those who are not in power: it is just to obey the ruler"s laws, to your advantage bc if you don"t obey you will get punished. Elenchus: method of question and answer, refutation: socrates tries to show inconsistency in their beliefs, thras: justice is the advantage of the stronger. Techne : some do not have a product in direct relation to activity, ex.