HUMNNTR 2210 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Essential Amino Acid, Graham Cracker, Vitamin A Deficiency

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Satiety: regulated by hypothalamus, feeding centers- eating vs. stopping, meal size and composition, meal frequency, hormones. To obtain nutrients: nutrients- components of food that are indispensable to the body"s functioning. Vitamins, minerals, water- promote growth, development and maintenance and regulate body processes. Carbohydrates" sole function is to provide energy. Essential nutrients: body can"t make enough of these, when left out of a diet it can lead to poor health or death. Poor vision: has a specific biological function, when added back, it reverses condition. Carbohydrates: composed of c, h, o, provide major source of fuel for body, basic unit is a monosaccharide- glucose, simple and complex cho, energy yielding (4 kcal/gm) Lipids: composed of c, h, and fewer o, basic unit is fatty acid, triglyceride is the major form of a lipid, fats and oils, saturated, unsaturated, essential fatty acids, energy yielding (9 kcal/gm)